Thursday 16 December 2010

Christmas Presents!

It is almost Christmas even here in the warm of Egypt. I am doing my best in trying to get into the Christmas spirit with Mulled wine (Glögg as we call it in Sweden), Christmas music and I find that Christmasy herbs help as well you know cinnamon, cloves etc. that combination of scent makes me think of Christmas.
Have you bought all your Christmas presents yet? I have started to receive a few Christmas cards now. I received one from my dad today and it took less than 2 weeks for it to arrive amazing otherwise 1 month is common to get things to Egypt similar when I send things as well. I sent my mum a birthday present for her birthday which is now over a month ago and she has still not received it maybe we can call it a Christmas present instead if it arrives in the next 8 days.
If you are still short on ideas for Christmas presents I can recommend Wall Art and 2011 Calendars. Please take a look at the ones I have on Red Bubble for inspiration.
I just spoke to a client yesterday that received hers by mail that she had bought at Red Bubble and she loved the quality of the images.
Thanks again Eva for buying my images at Red Bubble I appreciate that and it gives me great inspiration.
Framed Prints
Greeting Cards
2011 Calendars
Digital Wall Art that I created yesterday. What do you guys think?

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Digital Photography Art

As I have mentioned before I love making digital Photo Art, I have over the weekend created a few more from photographs that I have taken. I have added some of them below. If you want to see more of my selection of Digital Photo Art you can look at my Red Bubble account. Just click on this link here, you can there also buy the images as greeting cards and framed wall art etc.
I also sell them through my website you will then get them as a soft copy and make the printing arrangements yourself.
send me an email with your request to: infoATshippeyphotographyDOTcom
I have also made a few more 2011 calendars that might be of interest for you, they are also available for purchase through Red Bubble.

Please let me know what you guys think of the Digital Photo Art that I have created.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Another day in the life of me.

The other day I got a facebook message from a friend where her mother in-law to be was asking for the images that I took of a wedding that we all attended back in August this year... oh dear did I promise something that I have not delivered on yet? I know a lot of people attending wanted to see my images but I did actually never promise to put them out somewhere for them to see... So technically I haven't but anyway I have since yesterday been trying to figure out how to put the images all 300 of them on my website but without them really being linked to my official website, since these images will have no interest to most people out there unless you attended this wedding of course. I had an epiphany the other night it was actually thanks to my sister she just had her family photographs taken in the states (me being located a bit too far away) and they were uploaded on the photographers website but not through her official one so I thought if she can do it why can't I and to be honest once I figured it out it was dead easy. Well saying that it is still uploading and it is taking ages... but in theory very easy. What took most of my time is not only the uploading but the creating of the web gallery. I am making it in Aperture also easy you click and choose which images etc. and then press create, now my computer have virtually no memory space left so everything and anything that I am doing on my computer is taking ages right now so annoying. I am on my third upload attempt to my website I think it will work now once it is all there. The first two times I had the wrong folder names on some of the html pages which means that the links wont work because they cant find each other etc. you get the picture I was not happy when I realized it and after trying to change manually again realizing that it is so many pages and places that need changing it will be a lot quicker to make a whole new gallery. Do I have to tell you that it takes just as long to delete a folder on my website as it did creating it? Well it does. While my computer was thinking this afternoon I went over to a friends house for a chat. I hope I am almost done now Yey!
This morning before I started on my web gallery adventure I was out capturing some great images of the golden hour which here is between 07.00 - 08.00 anytime after that unless it is afternoon is not a great time to take photographs the sun is just too high in the sky. I got some great images of the mountains looking all golden very nice. I wanted to do some more shots but the sun went too hight too quickly so need to make anohter early photo shoot to get everything in my plan done. I also saw a few shots that would look great in afternoon light due to where the sun is in the morning so will have to plan that in later on. What I did not like this morning was that my camera gear got so dusty it did not feel like it was very windy but I had to keep on taking the sand dust off the lens several times. Not ideal.