Back from a few weeks break.
Well it wasn’t only a break I was of course busy using my camera as well! You can’t really go far without it if you are an avid photographer as I am.
I have now started to blog for a Swedish newspaper in Swedish so for all my fans that can read Swedish please take a look at this link. I am posting almost everyday. If you don’t know how to read Swedish maybe you can try Google’s free language translator will probably be a bit hilarious at times ;-) the translation that is maybe not my writing… ha ha. Hopefully my writing will be a bit more witty as well. It’s a different kind of blog from this one so don’t be shy take a peek.
Whilst in Sweden I was assisting at a Swedish Wedding in Västerås, which was great fun. I was helping out Photographer Henrik Sunvisson that does loads of weddings in the Västerås area of Sweden. You can see his work through this link he does some remarkable portraits. and
I recommend that even if you are an established photographer to go out and help/assist or be the second shooter with another photographer once in a while you will have great fun for one thing and you always learn something, you will both act differently for the same shot for sure.